Women’s shelters

Women’s shelters help with psychological stabilisation, the development of an initial plan and organisation of a follow-up solution and further support after the stay in the women's shelter. Women’s shelters also offer assistance to underage girls and young women affected by domestic violence in order to find suitable accommodations without their parents. In addition, as specialists on the subject of domestic violence, women’s shelters also offer telephone counselling and information for those affected, third parties, authorities, institutions and other interested people. 

Women’s shelter staff provide counselling on personal, legal, health and financial matters to women affected by violence. They also accompany the women to appointments with the police, authorities and courts. Additionally, they connect women affected by violence with other counselling centres and support services (e.g. victim support and social services) if necessary. They work in close collaboration with lawyers, psychotherapists, physicians and other specialists. When providing counselling and support services to women affected by violence, they respect their decisions at all times.

Children who enter women’s shelters with their mothers are also taken seriously. They are seen as individuals with their own personalities, specific needs and rights, and receive counselling and support, just like their mothers. 

Women’s shelter staff are obliged to maintain secrecy. The counselling they provide is confidential and they call in interpreters when necessary to facilitate communication. 

If you need a place of refuge at a secret location, contact a women’s shelter in your region. The following is a list of all women’s shelters in Switzerland with their contact details. The women’s shelter staff will advise you and give you the support you require for your situation.


How do I get to the women's shelter?

The women's shelters can be reached by telephone, although not all of them are available around the clock. Click here for a list of all women's shelters and their contact details. On the phone, you describe your current situation to a staff member. The staff member will answer your most important questions and, if necessary, plan your entry into the women's shelter with you.

Can I bring my children with me to a women’s shelter?

Yes. The Swiss Civil Code stipulates that in the event of domestic violence you have the right and obligation to move your children to a safe place and to separate them temporarily from the other parent.

Can I go to a women’s shelter even if I do not have any money?

Yes, you can go to a women’s shelter even if you do not have any money or financial resources. Cantonal victim support services generally cover the costs of your first stay at a women’s shelter. No criminal charges have to be filed. The women’s shelter staff will also provide you with the support you need if your stay at the women’s shelter is longer.

Can I go to a women’s shelter even if I do not speak English?

Yes, you can go to the women’s shelter and receive counselling even if you do not speak English / German / Italian / French. The women’s shelters work together with interpreters.

What should I take along to the women’s shelter?

If possible, take along the most necessary clothing and medications for yourself and your children. Other important items include personal documents, such as passports/residence permits, bank and health insurance cards, your children’s vaccination records and favourite toys, and marriage and birth certificates.

What happens after a stay in a women's shelter?

The staff of the women's shelter will support you in planning the steps to be taken after your stay at the shelter. This happens regardless of which future solution you choose for yourself (separation, return to the shared flat, etc.).